Flussonic Media Server 22.02
Get familiar with the changes introduced in Flussonic Watcher 22.02 products.
In this new version we focused on stabilizing and improving video analytics.
What’s New
- #18649 (Watcher) In some cases operator should validate detected number plate or identify some vehicle’s features. Since this release HD quality screenshots for ANPR events are available in the Web UI. You can also receive a screenshot via API.
- #18788 (Watcher) Now and on it is possible to set polygonal area for license plate and face recognition.
- #21727 (Watcher) You can filter person lists by organization and list which a person belongs to.
Issues Resolved
- #19865 (Watcher) Fixed issue that motion detection event from cameras powered by IRIS firmware appeared with delay.
- #20967 (Watcher) Fixed issue when a face was detected on a frame where there was no a face.
- #21050 (Watcher) Fixed issue that in some cases SimilarPersonFound error occurred when creating a new person in a list.
- #21120 (Watcher) Fixed issue that changes in user’s permissions were not saved.
- #21571 (Watcher) Fixed issue that no analytic events were sent to webhook address.
- #21724 (Watcher) Fixed issue that faces that were recognized but not matcher with persons were displayed in Web UI.
- #21733 (Watcher) Fixed issue that VisionConfig is not JSON serializable occurred in status of a streamer with analytic support.
- #21789 (Watcher) Fixed issue that PEER MISSING sometimes occurred on a health status page.
- #21804 (Watcher) Fixed issue that “offline” status might have been shown for a correctly working camera.
- #21869 (Watcher) Fixed issue with moving cameras to a backup server when using failover.
- #22016 (Watcher) Fixed issue that after uploading a new photo for a person you still observed old one in the Web UI.
Documentation updates
- #16947 (doc) (Watcher) The setCacheKey option for updating thumbnails is documented. It allows you to implement auto-updated thumbnails in the apps based on Flussonic Watcher SDKs for Android and iOS.
- #19943 (doc) (Watcher) A detailed description of Flussonic Iris firmware is added to familiarize you with main advantages of Iris and help installing and configuring it on your cameras.
- #21073 (doc) (Watcher) Updated description of the demo apps illustrating main functions of Flussonic Watcher SDK for Android and iOS. The instructions complemented with detailed step-by-step procedures to run the demo apps.
- #21387 (doc) (Watcher) The article about Agent info in Watcher UI updated to clarify how bound and not-bound Agents are getting to the list and which data are available in Watcher for each Agent.
- #21670 (doc) (Watcher) User permissions required to manage persons and person lists used for face recognition described.
- #21761 (doc) (Watcher) Introduction to Flussonic Watcher updated to make it clear how installation ways affect the server configuration and how to find out which servers you need.