Flussonic Watcher 21.02
Get familiar with the changes introduced in Flussonic Watcher 21.02 products.
The list of Flussonic Agents in the web interface, fixes in 1x7 mosaics, improved camera presets logic.
What’s New
- #14813 (new) (Watcher) You can view the list of Flussonic Agents with their statuses and other details in the UI.
- #14387 (improved) (Watcher) The administrator can view all Flussonic Agents, which helps in problem diagnostics.
Issues Resolved
- #13984 (fixed) (Watcher) Camera presets usage was improved.
- #14209 (fixed) (Watcher) Watcher allows only RTSP streams specified as follows: rtsp://[LOGIN:PASSWORD@]ip_or_host:port[/path]
- #14868 (fixed) (Watcher) Camera selection in 1x7 mosaic works again.
- #15066 (fixed) (Watcher) The issue of 21.01 with streamer becoming offline was fixed.
- #15114 (fixed) (Watcher) The display of a 1x7 mosaic was fixed.